Monday, July 23, 2007

Earth Day

Most every day is Earth Day to me, but sometimes I need to remind myself that rivers aren't the only thing that need cleaning up. Since my daughter was young we'd walk up and down our street and pick up the Dunkin Donuts cups, beer cans, and McDonalds wrappers, among other things.

This year for Earth Day, I decided to extend that reach a bit and include a nearby town forest. I filled my truck, but did a good job. The thing is, it's not very much street frontage, maybe 1/4 mile. But it was messy and I don't like to see it that way.

Yesterday, I repeated the task, but only needed my wheelbarrow. It is amazing with all the drunk driving laws that the majority of roadside trash is empty beer cans. I guess that'll never change.

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