Sunday, May 4, 2008

Nashua River - Oxbow National Wildlife Refuge

Today was the first day of the new year I'd paddled downstream from the Still River Depot in Harvard, MA. The weather was kind of cool and damp, but otherwise a good day for a paddle.
Each spring the first trip on any stretch of river is full of surprises. I'm no rookie, I know there is going to be new trash all the time, and the high waters of spring make it easy for debris to wash in, or move downstream.
I was paddling down river, picking up a few pieces here and there, nothing too bad, but all the while, in the back of my head, I was thinking "where's the mess?" Then I found it. I really couldn't believe it. There were several very large logjams just on the south side of Rt. 2. One has 3 (more) tires, and loads of trash, another had another tire and a propane tank. I loaded up a tire and one of the tanks, along with an empty 5gal. pail of hydraulic fluid and headed back.
I know it's not that bad, certainly not compared to what it was, but finding all that new debris is discouraging at some level. Ah well, work for another day...

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